Learning to read

Reading Assessment you can do with your own child [Ep 49] 

reading assessment

Follow the steps in this reading assessment tool to get an idea of what to work on next with your child  

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Discover the key steps in conducting a reading assessment with the aim of understanding your child’s reading level and needs. Children embark on unique reading journeys, and it’s crucial to pinpoint their progress accurately. In this episode, you’ll be guided through a comprehensive assessment process, though remember, it’s not a definitive measure but rather a helpful guideline. Trust your knowledge of your child above all else. The assessment comprises several stages, starting with the simple view of reading, decoding, and phonemic awareness. Progress through diagraphs, vowels, other graphemes, fluency, and, finally, comprehension. These stages help tailor your child’s reading support effectively.

In this episode about following a reading assessment, you will learn:

  • Individual Reading Journeys: Every child’s reading journey is unique, so it’s essential to assess their specific needs rather than relying solely on age-related expectations.
  • Guided Assessment: The guided assessment presented here is a valuable tool for gauging your child’s reading abilities, but it should be seen as a guideline rather than absolute one.
  • Phonics Progression: The assessment covers critical reading milestones, including decoding, phonemic awareness, diagraphs, vowels, other graphemes, fluency, and comprehension.
  • Background Knowledge: Building a rich vocabulary and background knowledge is essential for effective reading comprehension.
  • Comprehension Focus: Ultimately, the goal is to develop strong reading comprehension skills, as these are vital for learning across subjects.

Links mentioned in this episode about reading assessment tools:

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The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this episode are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this podcast. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this podcast. Sarah Travers disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this episode.

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