
My child sounds like a robot when they read…what can I do?  [Ep 63] 

From Robot to Reader: Boosting Fluency and Expression in Children

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In this podcast, we talk about how to help children who sound robotic when reading aloud. The focus is on improving fluency, specifically expression and smoothness. Parents are encouraged to model expressive reading, showing variations in tone, especially with punctuation, and to practice repeated readings to build natural pacing. Techniques like using play scripts and guided reading can also help children become more animated and less monotone in their reading.

In this episode about helping children with fluency:

1. Recognizing Robotic Reading

Children may sound robotic when transitioning from sounding out words to reading them fluently. This is normal and can be improved by focusing on fluency elements like smoothness and expression.

2. Model Expressive Reading

Parents should demonstrate expressive reading by using tone variations, especially with punctuation such as question marks and exclamation points. This helps children understand how reading can sound more natural.

3. Use Repeated Readings for Practice

Repeating short passages multiple times allows children to focus on expression and smoothness rather than just accuracy. This helps them internalise a more conversational reading pace.

4. Incorporate Play Scripts for Fun

Reading lines from a play or script adds an element of performance, making it easier for children to practice expression in a more engaging way, enhancing their fluency skills.

 5. Focus on Fluency Beyond Accuracy

While accuracy is important, helping children read at a consistent, conversational pace with natural intonation is key to overcoming robotic reading. Encourage them to develop expression and rhythm through fun, interactive methods.

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The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this episode are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this podcast. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this podcast. Sarah Travers disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this episode.

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