Helping children learn Learning to read

How one card game transformed reading for this dyslexic reader | With Joe from Got It Learning [Ep 70]

Making learning to read fun with card games

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In this episode we delve into an inspiring story about how one card game changed the reading landscape for our guest, Joe from Got it Learning. He then in partnered with his mum, a teacher of 25 years, turned his own learning challenges into an innovative educational tool.

In this episode about card games for Phonics:

Embracing Play in Learning: 

Joe shares some insightful points about how traditional learning methods can often become repetitive and unengaging for children. However, by introducing an element of competition and fun, learning can be made exciting and stimulating.

“When you add a bit of competition, it becomes more enjoyable. Kids want to win, and it teaches them that competition can be good,” Joe explains. 

Introducing Got It Learning:

Joe’s story is touching. Growing up with dyslexia, he found traditional learning methods challenging. A particular reading game he played in an intervention group made a significant difference in his reading skills. This inspired him to create a business that could help children like himself.

In partnership with his mother, who has 25 years of experience as a special education needs teacher, Joe established Got It Learning. Their mission: to develop innovative educational games that make reading and spelling fun and inclusive.

The Magic of Got It Learning Games

Joe introduces us to the suite of games included in each Got It Learning box: Word Switch, Word Match, Word Pairs, Word Race, Word Sets

These games are designed to help children learn in an entertaining and multi-sensory way. They address various aspects of literacy, from phonics to spelling, and ensure that even the most reluctant learners stay engaged.

One standout feature of these games is the inclusion of gothic cards, which add an element of surprise and keep the game dynamic and exciting. Joe notes, “The gothic card allows kids who may be falling behind to jump back into the game, making it a greater booster.

Designed for All Ages: 

One of the core advantages of Got It Learning games is their adaptability. They cater to different age groups and literacy levels, making them particularly beneficial for older children who might find early learning resources too “babyish.” This flexibility even extends to adults with literacy challenges.

Multi-Sensory Learning Approach:

Joe emphasizes the importance of a multi-sensory approach in learning. The games incorporate touching, looking, and speaking, which help engage different parts of the brain. This method is backed by research and is particularly effective for young learners who absorb information through their senses.

Creating Independent Learners

Another innovative feature of the Got It Learning games is the use of picture prompt cards. These cards allow children to decode words independently without constantly asking for help. As they gain confidence, they can gradually remove the prompts, creating a tiered system of learning.

More Than Just Reading

While the primary goal is to enhance reading skills, the games also focus on spelling. Joe highlights the importance of combining reading and spelling practice, as it ensures a more comprehensive approach to literacy.

“Children often learn to read first and then move on to spelling. With our games, they can do both simultaneously, which maximizes their learning potential,” says Joe.

A Collaborative Effort

Joe and his mum have put considerable thought into designing these games. Their collaboration, built on Joe’s personal experiences and his mum’s educational expertise, ensures that the games are both practical and effective.

More about Joe  

My name is Joe, I have dyslexia and growing up in school was challenging at times. Traditional learning methods like spelling lists and reading books were not things I looked forward to. I remember playing a particular reading card game in an intervention group and really enjoyed it – and subsequently my reading improved.

Following college I went to Bournemouth University to study for a BA in Business with Enterprise. After graduating with a first class degree I wanted to start my own business that would make a difference and help children like me. It’s always important to start a business with someone you can trust and has the right skills set. Fortunately my mum has over 25 years of experience in teaching and special educational needs. Together we decided to start Got it Learning.

Links mentioned in this episode about phonics card games :

Got It Learning Website: www.gotitlearning.co.uk

Got It Learning Instagram: @got_it_learning

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The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this episode are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this podcast. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this podcast. Sarah Travers disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this episode.

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