Learning to read

42. How can cardboard boxes help your child with phonics and learning to read? | With Katie Whitehead from Phonics Family

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In this episode, Katie from Phonics Family shares practical tips on supporting children’s phonics journey and learning to read. 

She emphasises the importance of making phonics enjoyable and accessible, using simple household items for engaging activities. 

Parents have a crucial role in fostering a love of reading, understanding the phonics scheme, and engaging in letter hunts and rhymes. 

Expensive materials are unnecessary, as parents can use recycled items and incorporate their child’s interests into phonics activities. 

The episode provides valuable insights for empowering parents in creating a positive learning environment for phonics.


Katie has a BSc Psychology degree focusing on Psychology in Education, an Early Years PGCE from the University of Cambridge and over 16 years experience as a teacher including positions of Early Years Lead and Year 1 Team Leader and has delivered Phonics and Early Literacy training to ITT students.

At the beginning of the first UK lockdown in March 2020 she combined her knowledge of how Early Years children learn best and expertise and passion in delivering phonics to establish the Phonics Family Facebook and Instagram page. Its aim is to provide a useful resource for parents and School staff to begin to break down the barrier of Phonics and learn how to support children through playful activities and games.

  • Phonics Made Fun: Katie emphasies the importance of making phonics enjoyable and accessible for parents and children. She shares ideas for using simple household items, such as cardboard boxes, to create engaging phonics activities and games.
  • Breaking Down Phonics Barriers: Katie’s mission is to demystify phonics and make it less intimidating for parents. She believes that understanding the terminology and concepts behind phonics can help parents support their children’s learning effectively.
  • Get to know which phonics scheme your child is following: While it’s the school’s responsibility to teach phonics formally, parents can play a crucial role in supporting their child’s phonics journey. This includes having an awareness of what children are learning, reading with them at home, and fostering a love of reading.
  • Starting the Phonics Journey: For preschoolers, the focus should be on developing speaking and listening skills, rhyming, and oral blending and segmenting. Once children start school, parents can support their phonics journey by understanding the phonics scheme used in the school, engaging in letter hunts and other fun activities, and practicing rhymes.
  • No Need for Expensive Materials: Parents don’t need to invest in costly resources or flashcards to help their child with phonics. Katie encourages using recycled materials, incorporating toys and their child’s interests into phonics activities, and adapting everyday experiences for phonics learning.

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