Helping children learn

Get your child to speak a second language at home With Giuilia (Ep 41)

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In this episode my guest, Giulia, shares tips on how parents can help their children learn a second language. She emphases the use of props, theatrical activities, and immersion in daily life.

Speaking the language naturally every day because what really matters is consistency.

She dispels myths about bilingualism, such as speech delays, and highlights the benefits of bilingualism, including increased creativity, problem-solving abilities, and openness to diversity.

She also discusses the importance of starting language learning early and creating routines to incorporate the second language into daily interactions. She suggests using play, songs, and reading as effective tools for language development.


Giulia is teacher of English as a second language with 15 years of experience and a mum to an 18-month-old girl that she is growing bilingual. She is now working online and focusing on teaching children mostly. She teaches using props, theatricality, hands-on activities, and TPR. She is planning to start her own physical language school!

She lives in the countryside, and we love to explore nature.

  • Bilingualism benefits children by fostering creativity, problem-solving skills, and openness to diversity.
  • Language learning should start early, as it becomes more challenging with age.
  • Parents can help their children become proficient in a second language by incorporating it into routines, using play and songs, and nurturing a love for reading in the language.

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